Franzen Lifestyle shop window

Inspiration directly from the KÖ

In collaboration with designer Domagoj Mrsic from Domagoj | Visual Concepts, our shop windows are regularly decorated for various occasions - whether promotions, seasonal changes or events in Düsseldorf - and our product highlights are presented accordingly. We are pleased that we can also share our changing shop window decorations with you in our online store. Here you will find our shop windows, which have been realized for us since autumn 2014. We hope you enjoy discovering them!

Our shop windows at a glance

Assouline Fashion Library
Underwater World
Eclectic Lifestyle Garden

Stylische Deko für Zuhause oder das Büro

Unser Sortiment umfasst eine Vielzahl von Deko-Objekten, darunter kunstvoll gestaltete Figuren, Coffee-Table-Books, elegante Feuerlöscher, stilvolle Globen und edle Vasen, die jedem Raum eine einzigartige Note verleihen. Neben weiteren Produkte wie praktischen Dosen, modernen Schalen oder traumhaften Raumdüften haben wir auch eine feine Auswahl Heimtextilien für Sie, mit denen Sie es sich zu Hause besonders gemütlich machen können. Unsere Produkte sind nicht nur ein Blickfang, sondern auch perfekte Geschenke für Ihre Liebsten, um ihnen ein Stück modernen Luxus für ihr Zuhause zu schenken.

Ob Sie das Badezimmer neu gestalten oder das Wohnzimmer verschönern möchten, unsere Auswahl an Wohnaccessoires bietet Ihnen unendliche Möglichkeiten, Ihren persönlichen Stil zum Ausdruck zu bringen und Ihren Wohnraum in eine Oase der Moderne zu verwandeln.

Tauchen Sie ein in die Welt der Wohnaccessoires und lassen Sie sich von unserern Marken und Produkten inspirieren! Nicht gefunden, wonach Sie suchen? Kein Problem! Unser Team steht Ihnen im Store in Düsseldorf für Fragen jederzeit persönlich - auch telefonisch oder per E-Mail - zur Verfügung. Sprechen Sie uns an, wir helfen Ihnen gerne weiter!

June 2024

Underwater World

Immerse yourself in a colorful underwater world and be inspired by the summer highlights in our new shop window. From Dibbern and Ginori 1735 to Jonathan Adler and Rosenthal to Baccarat and Giovanni Raspini as well as many other top-class brands, there is something for every style and every taste!

Come and visit us in the store at #KÖ42 or browse through our online store at

Concept & realization: Domagoj Visual Concepts
Photos: Uschi Fellner

Franzen Unterwasserwelten

Carafe mini 0.04 l black
Manufacturer Color: black

Carafe extra large 1.10 l black
Manufacturer Color: black

Carafe mini 0.04 l sea green
Manufacturer Color: seagreen

Carafe extra large 1.10 l oyster
Manufacturer Color: oyster

Carafe mini 0.04 l sea blue
Manufacturer Color: seablue

Carafe mini 0.04 l oyster
Manufacturer Color: oyster

Carafe mini 0.04 l dark grey
Manufacturer Color: darkgrey

Carafe extra large 1.10 l yellow
Manufacturer Color: yellow

Carafe mini 0.04 l sage
Manufacturer Color: sage

Carafe extra large 1.10 l pink
Manufacturer Color: pink

Carafe extra large 1.10 l dark green
Manufacturer Color: dark green

Carafe mini 0.04 l light blue
Manufacturer Color: light blue

Carafe extra large 1.10 l blue green
Manufacturer Color: bluegreen

Carafe mini 0.04 l dark green
Manufacturer Color: dark green

Carafe mini 0.04 l white
Manufacturer Color: white

Carafe extra large 1.10 l sage
Manufacturer Color: sage

Carafe mini 0.04 l pink
Manufacturer Color: pink

Carafe mini 0.04 l light grey
Manufacturer Color: lightgrey

Carafe extra large 1.10 l purple
Manufacturer Color: purple

Carafe mini 0.04 l orange
Manufacturer Color: orange

Carafe extra large 1.10 l nacre "Special Edition"
Manufacturer Color: nacre
Variants from €74.00*

Carafe extra large 1.10 l red
Manufacturer Color: red

Carafe extra large 1.10 l orange
Manufacturer Color: orange

Carafe extra large 1.10 l light blue
Manufacturer Color: light blue

Carafe extra large 1.10 l Eau de Nil
Manufacturer Color: Eau de Nil

Carafe extra large 1.10 l white
Manufacturer Color: white

Vase 31 cm red
Manufacturer Color: red

Vase 24 cm red
Manufacturer Color: red

Fish yellow 'Poisson'
Manufacturer Color: yellow

Vase 31 cm sapphire
Manufacturer Color: saphir

Vase 13.5 cm red
Manufacturer Color: red

Fish black 'Poisson'
Manufacturer Color: black

Vase 31 cm grey
Manufacturer Color: gray

Vase 13.5 cm sapphire
Manufacturer Color: saphir

Vase 13.5 cm orange
Manufacturer Color: orange

Fish gold shining 'Poisson'
Manufacturer Color: gold luster

Vase 13.5 cm aquamarine
Manufacturer Color: aquamarine

Fish rose 'Poisson'
Manufacturer Color: rose

Fish clear 'Poisson'
Manufacturer Color: clear

July 2024

Assouline Fashion Library

From the sketch to the finished shop window: together with Assouline, we are presenting a fashion library full of inspiring stories and insights from the world of fashion for the Düsseldorf Fashion Days.

The luxurious home accessories by Lalique and a beautiful black dress by Talbot Runhof round off this stylish ensemble perfectly.

Immerse yourself in a world full of couture & iconic fashion brands and discover a large selection of coffee table books from Assouline in our store at #KÖ42 or online at!

June 2024

Underwater World

Immerse yourself in a colorful underwater world and be inspired by the summer highlights in our new shop window. From Dibbern and Ginori 1735 to Jonathan Adler and Rosenthal to Baccarat and Giovanni Raspini as well as many other top-class brands, there is something for every style and every taste!

Come and visit us in the store at #KÖ42 or browse through our online store at

Concept & realization: Domagoj Visual Concepts
Photos: Uschi Fellner

Franzen Unterwasserwelten

Vase 24 cm milkwhite
Manufacturer Color: milk white

Carafe mini 0.04 l light grey
Manufacturer Color: lightgrey

Carafe extra large 1.10 l black
Manufacturer Color: black

Carafe mini 0.04 l black
Manufacturer Color: black

Carafe extra large 1.10 l light blue
Manufacturer Color: light blue

Carafe mini 0.04 l dark grey
Manufacturer Color: darkgrey

Carafe mini 0.04 l sage
Manufacturer Color: sage

Carafe extra large 1.10 l oyster
Manufacturer Color: oyster

Fish Cap Ferrat blue 'Poisson'
Manufacturer Color: cap ferrat blue

Vase 13.5 cm red
Manufacturer Color: red

Carafe extra large 1.10 l orange
Manufacturer Color: orange

Vase 31 cm orange
Manufacturer Color: orange

Carafe extra large 1.10 l red
Manufacturer Color: red

Fish grey 'Poisson'
Manufacturer Color: gray

Fish mint green 'Poisson'
Manufacturer Color: mint

Carafe mini 0.04 l sea green
Manufacturer Color: seagreen

Carafe mini 0.04 l sea blue
Manufacturer Color: seablue

Carafe mini 0.04 l pink
Manufacturer Color: pink

Carafe mini 0.04 l oyster
Manufacturer Color: oyster

Carafe extra large 1.10 l nacre "Special Edition"
Manufacturer Color: nacre
Variants from €74.00*

Fish persepolis blue 'Poisson'
Manufacturer Color: persepolis blue

Vase 13.5 cm black
Manufacturer Color: black

Vase 13.5 cm milk white
Manufacturer Color: milk white

Vase 31 cm rio green
Manufacturer Color: rio green

Carafe mini 0.04 l dark green
Manufacturer Color: dark green

Carafe extra large 1.10 l Eau de Nil
Manufacturer Color: Eau de Nil

Carafe extra large 1.10 l blue green
Manufacturer Color: bluegreen

Fish clear 'Poisson'
Manufacturer Color: clear

Carafe mini 0.04 l white
Manufacturer Color: white

Fish rose 'Poisson'
Manufacturer Color: rose

Vase 31 cm sapphire
Manufacturer Color: saphir

Carafe extra large 1.10 l yellow
Manufacturer Color: yellow

Vase 13.5 cm aquamarine
Manufacturer Color: aquamarine

Fish gold shining 'Poisson'
Manufacturer Color: gold luster

Fish yellow 'Poisson'
Manufacturer Color: yellow

Vase 13.5 cm orange
Manufacturer Color: orange

Vase 24 cm red
Manufacturer Color: red

Vase 13.5 cm sapphire
Manufacturer Color: saphir

Carafe extra large 1.10 l white
Manufacturer Color: white

Carafe extra large 1.10 l dark green
Manufacturer Color: dark green

Vase 31 cm red
Manufacturer Color: red

July 2024

Assouline Fashion Library

From the sketch to the finished shop window: together with Assouline, we are presenting a fashion library full of inspiring stories and insights from the world of fashion for the Düsseldorf Fashion Days.

The luxurious home accessories by Lalique and a beautiful black dress by Talbot Runhof round off this stylish ensemble perfectly.

Immerse yourself in a world full of couture & iconic fashion brands and discover a large selection of coffee table books from Assouline in our store at #KÖ42 or online at!

June 2024

Underwater World

Immerse yourself in a colorful underwater world and be inspired by the summer highlights in our new shop window. From Dibbern and Ginori 1735 to Jonathan Adler and Rosenthal to Baccarat and Giovanni Raspini as well as many other top-class brands, there is something for every style and every taste!

Come and visit us in the store at #KÖ42 or browse through our online store at

Concept & realization: Domagoj Visual Concepts
Photos: Uschi Fellner

Franzen Unterwasserwelten

Fish black 'Poisson'
Manufacturer Color: black

Carafe extra large 1.10 l sage
Manufacturer Color: sage

Carafe extra large 1.10 l pink
Manufacturer Color: pink

Vase 31 cm grey
Manufacturer Color: gray

Carafe extra large 1.10 l purple
Manufacturer Color: purple

Carafe mini 0.04 l light blue
Manufacturer Color: light blue

Carafe mini 0.04 l orange
Manufacturer Color: orange

Vase 31 cm red
Manufacturer Color: red

Carafe extra large 1.10 l dark green
Manufacturer Color: dark green

Carafe extra large 1.10 l white
Manufacturer Color: white

Vase 13.5 cm sapphire
Manufacturer Color: saphir

Vase 24 cm red
Manufacturer Color: red

Vase 13.5 cm orange
Manufacturer Color: orange

Fish yellow 'Poisson'
Manufacturer Color: yellow

Fish gold shining 'Poisson'
Manufacturer Color: gold luster

Vase 13.5 cm aquamarine
Manufacturer Color: aquamarine

Carafe extra large 1.10 l yellow
Manufacturer Color: yellow

Vase 31 cm sapphire
Manufacturer Color: saphir

Fish rose 'Poisson'
Manufacturer Color: rose

Carafe mini 0.04 l white
Manufacturer Color: white

Fish clear 'Poisson'
Manufacturer Color: clear

Carafe extra large 1.10 l blue green
Manufacturer Color: bluegreen

Carafe extra large 1.10 l Eau de Nil
Manufacturer Color: Eau de Nil

Carafe mini 0.04 l dark green
Manufacturer Color: dark green

Vase 31 cm rio green
Manufacturer Color: rio green

Vase 13.5 cm milk white
Manufacturer Color: milk white

Vase 13.5 cm black
Manufacturer Color: black

Fish persepolis blue 'Poisson'
Manufacturer Color: persepolis blue

Carafe extra large 1.10 l nacre "Special Edition"
Manufacturer Color: nacre
Variants from €74.00*

Carafe mini 0.04 l oyster
Manufacturer Color: oyster

Carafe mini 0.04 l pink
Manufacturer Color: pink

Carafe mini 0.04 l sea blue
Manufacturer Color: seablue

Carafe mini 0.04 l sea green
Manufacturer Color: seagreen

Fish mint green 'Poisson'
Manufacturer Color: mint

Fish grey 'Poisson'
Manufacturer Color: gray

Carafe extra large 1.10 l red
Manufacturer Color: red

Vase 31 cm orange
Manufacturer Color: orange

Carafe extra large 1.10 l orange
Manufacturer Color: orange

Vase 13.5 cm red
Manufacturer Color: red

April 2024

Eclectic Lifestyle Garden

Under the motto "Eclectic Lifestyle Garden", we present our lifestyle favorites for the upcoming outdoor season on Felix Thonet garden furniture. From porcelain, cutlery and drinking glasses to stylish accessories, there is something for everyone. Take a look and let us inspire you!

Concept & realization: Domagoj Visual Concepts
Photos: Uschi Fellner

Eclectic Lifestyle - Unsere Produkte